This independent (no grown up’s on the floor) pre school Tumblers educational gymnastics program is focused on fundamental movement patterns, using all the equipment in the gym, to help your child progress onto more challenging activities, in gymnastics and in other sports.
Duration: 60mins
Cost: $17* ($34 fortnightly direct debit)
2020 Classes: Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays
The school age Tumblers educational gymnastics program is focused on fundamental movement patterns, using all the equipment in the gym, to help your child progress onto more challenging activities, in gymnastics and in other sports.
Duration: 60mins
Cost: $17* ($34 fortnightly direct debit)
2020 Classes: Thursdays and Fridays
Ninja Gym is an activity which encourages your child to use traditional gymnastics equipment in new ways. It draws on influences from martial arts, free-running, parkour, tricking and breakdance.
Duration: 45mins
Cost: $15* per class ($30 fortnightly direct debit)
2020 Classes: Mondays and Wednesdays